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Proust Curious
Hannah Weaver and I, in partnership with Public Books, have embarked on a joint reading project and made a podcast about it! We are reading the whole of A la recherche du temps perdu by Marcel Proust, and making PROUST CURIOUS, with an episode to discuss each of the seven (!!) volumes of this famously long book, plus a bonus eighth to talk about more modern takes on Proust. Listen and subscribe here or here, to join us as we search for lost time, and remember things Proust...!
We talk about this vast undertaking (and the fact that we are NOT Proust experts) here.

BBC Free Thinking - The Essay
In 2024 I was invited to talk about Montaigne and the essay form on BBC Radio 3's 'Free Thinking' - listen here

Twice-Told Tales
In 2021, as a lockdown project, Dr Leah Astbury (University of Manchester) and I made a six-episode podcast about 'the good life' in early modernity, thinking about themes such as the body, sexuality, ageing, religion, and more. Listen and subscribe here
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